An Entrepreneur's Guide to Patents- the Basics from Toronto Patent Office


We have come across the word patent many times and we know that this simple single word has a significant meaning when it comes to enterprise and technology. So before you plan to write any patent documents or check articles and statements it is necessary that you know a little about the patent basics. Any good Toronto patent office will be able to guide you with the basic information in this matter; however, you can use the internet to make your own patent search Toronto  to know more about it. Here are few of the very basics but important things to know about patents.

A Brief History

Patent systems have been used throughout Europe for centuries. The issue became important to the U.S founding leaders that they started adding it to the basic description in Constitution (Article 1, Section 8). The formal patent system was established shortly after ratification of the Constitution when George Washington signed the Patent Act of 1790. One of the main principles of this system is to serve as an incentive for innovation. It can be said that this incentive is created by granting the owner of the patent, a temporary monopoly for his or her invention. Most drug and chemical companies use a patent. These days other companies use patent too.

The Structure of a Patent

A patent is generally structured into five different parts. This includes:

1.    Cover page

2.    Background

3.    Summary

4.    Specification

5.    Claims

The cover page contains various different elements including the title, dates, names of the inventor, grant, and the abstract. The background serves as a high-level overview of the subject area. The summary is similar to the abstract of the patent, but it comprises of several paragraphs. The specification is the how and what of the innovation. It will have the description of the process and the product details. Claims are unique and often have a complex language that defines exactly what are the innovations covered by a patent.

The Patent Application Process

The patent system of each country varies, mainly because of the laws and rules of the country. A Toronto patent office will be capable of guiding you more about the patent rules involved. Usually there four primary steps involved, but they generally vary from country to country. The general application process is:

•    Filing a provisional patent application

•    Filing a non-provisional application for patency

•    Prosecution of Application, and,

•    Post Grant.                          

In general, it takes few years for a standard application with priority to become granted patent. In certain cases, it takes 3-6 years of time. However, there are few methods through which the time can be reduced. This comes at an expense. Doing a patent search Toronto  and hiring a reputed patent company will ensure that the work is done more quickly than expected. A premier firm with experience and specialization in the patent will provide clients with better and quicker service for better entrepreneurial issues.

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